Thursday, 25 August 2005


Feel like branded cattle at the moment... Managed to burn myself like 1 hour into today's microbio prac... Against the tripod stand some more.... Has definitely got to do w the 20-odd plates and 20-odd tubes that were on the bench for inoculation.... Ok lar, dun wanna make a mountain out of a molehill, tho' my left index finger looks a little weirdly colored at the moment... Thank goodness it was only a small burn. Managed to whack my finger against the tripod stand when flaming one of the inoculation tubes, so just ran water over it for a while. Finger was numb for a couple of minutes then started stinging, so turned to TA for help in getting some antiseptic or wateva... Got some antiseptic cream dumped on, and a plaster over it... 15 min later, still hurt (throbbingly), and one of the other lab techs came over to get details to fill in for the injuries record. More questions on on condition of finger while attempting (not very successfully) to label stuff while having restricted mobility of left hand, and this lab tech sez that he wld try get some aloe vera to soothe the abused finger.... Juan here thot he was referring to aloe vera cream, like the kind that u use on sun burns and stuff, but lo and behold, he appeared again w like 3 other lab techs in tow (prob wanting to see wat the "excitement" was abt) and a piece of aloe vera leaf!!! *gasp* U prob wld wonder why a microbio lab wld haf a piece of aloe leaf on hand just like that.... More instructions abt using the aloe (from YET another lab tech), and after struggling w a nice sticky, gooey mess of aloe and leaf on left hand, a plaster was slapped on, so that the inoculating frenzy cld carry on....

Seriously, I think I more-or-less singlehandedly provided the lab techs w their day's dose of amusement, esp knowing how monotonous microbio labs can get.... The were really nice and stuff but I do think they fussed over it a little too much. However, it is probably because of all that fussing that my finger feels absolutely fine now (seeing that I can type at my normal speed w no prob at all ^^) Doesn't look like it wld blister, just the weird purplish coloration and the flattened, slightly-wrinkled skin over the burned area. Just real glad that the burn was real minimal, as well as the prompt first aid... Guess I had better get to bed soon.... Do need a good nite's rest, esp after the long lab and LM immediately after. (Wonder if this post is actually coherent enough to make any sense)

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