Saturday, 6 August 2005

little joys in life

Well, term's starting real soon, getting busy w LM stuff, yet at the same time, missing the company of the UNSW students like Penny, Rachael and Jenny. But still, there are still little things to be thankful for, and made happy by...

<1> GHIBLI museum
Being the huge Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki Hayao fan that I am, I managed to get my hands on a video documentary-tour of the Ghibli museum situated 15 miles from Tokyo. ^^ 嬉しいね!Really enjoyed watching it.... Seems like I was transported into a real life Miyazaki world!! Miyazaki-sensei is such a spatial genius! He was involved in the designing of the museum, so the ENTIRE museum is like an exhibit by itself too.... Wonderful just seeing elements from Miyazaki's anime world being brought to life, it's just like 'Woh!' ^^ Miyazaki's fellow Studio Ghibli director, Takahata, describes his favorite parts of the museum for us, and it is pretty obvious that even HE is in awe of Miyazaki's ideas!

I really love finding out abt the influences behind my fave authors and shows ^^ so finding out abt how little hilltop towns in Italy have had a large influence on how Miyazaki creates the detailed worlds that his stories are set in.. Even more inclined to go Tokyo now!! Really wonder if I can get Miyazaki-sensei to design a hse for me as well ^^ Wld really love waking up into a Ghibli world every morning!!

<2> shopping for slippers
Kinda seriously need a new pair of slippers (or "thongs" as the Aussie students like to call them) Have already went out twice to see if I cld get a suitable pair for a decent price but.... Some how, I managed to end up buying things other than slippers *LOL* The first time, I ended up getting not one but THREE pairs of shoes from a closing down Bata shop (one Adidas, two Skechers) Oh well... No harm in trying again rite? So off Juan sets off to IMM in search of those elusive pair of slippers.... But lo and behold, Juan ends up getting a nice humongous Vertikal slingbag instead... The good thing is that I am actually able to dump my lappie in w a number of other things as well (plus I do like carrying slingbags more than bagpacks ^^) Anyone wanna help me in my search for a good pair of slippers? Really do want a pair of Teva's...

<3> Festival of Praise 2005
Hillsongs and Delirious? were here in Singapore for our annual FoP from 05-07 Aug. Went yesterday w Eda and Wing Yee. Some how, it semmed a lot more concert-ish compared to last year... Nevertheless, it was great to see so many Singaporeans and fellow Christians gathered there to worship and praise ^^ Wld haf liked it better if the music wasn't so loud, and I actually had time to hear myself think during the time of worship.... Still, the time spent in the Indoor Stadium was refreshing and encouraging ^^

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