Thursday, 3 May 2007

Thanks everybody!!!

*lol* My labmates are just so sweet!! Despite surprise birthday celebs fast becoming an expected thing, they still tried their best - from fishy SMS saying Prof wanted a meeting to discuss writing a paper on our POC stuff to a weird phonecall on the lab phone with the lab lights suddenly going off (complete with Prof's bewildered expression while sipping on his cup)... It was really funny and heartwarming!! Thanks for remembering. Thanks for this nice japanese cheese cake and the divejunkie shirts!! Divejunkie is now divejunkied!! Hee~~ Proof of junkie-ness:
Feather Star polo
Mythical seahorse shirt

All this is just gonna make me even more lonely next week when all you folks are are Bolinao~~~ *cries* Just wish you all a safe trip there and come back in one piece!!!


Anonymous said...

:-O.....Happy Belated Birthday!!!

TS said...

O! Happy bday to u too!