Wednesday, 6 June 2007


Okies, back from hoping between Malaysia and Singapore ^^ REALLY backlogged on photos again, but haf put up the ones form church camp on my flickr account. Go see, go see!! It was real fun getting to know the not-so-young folkies, and having some catching up with the youths too!

Well, didn't really feel like blogging since don't really have anything to say but actually interesting YouTube videos. To think this started from Boon pointing me to some Hossan Leong standup comedy at Dick Lee's concert...

Here's the original sung by Hossan Leong:

And if you think it's interesting, wait til you see this MTV version!!! Now, THIS is what I call a national song!!! *bwahaha* Wonder if there would be any chance of this being used during NDP....

We live in Singapura...


boonleong said...

Ehhh? That's pretty old. Check out the Ruby Pan one too.

TS said...

Hehe...nw that I watch again realise the policeman is constable Acai, one of my fav childhood bks ;p