Tuesday, 12 July 2005

Contact Lens woes....

Went to get contact lenses so I can use them for my fieldtrips and stuff, and for snorkelling in Tioman... Got them this morning, and since I have astig, my vision is a little double image-y at the moment :( It took a whole hour for the co-op optician to teach me, and for me to *somewat* get the hang of pushing the lenses against my eyeball... Doesn't help that today has been a nice rainy morning so far... Cold.... Just feels weird having lenses against my eyes....

Thot I wld spend the rest of the day re-doing the really messy coding for my blog, aka changing it so that I can use a mapping script instead.... But blogger is NOT cooperating at all.... my template changes just don't register no matter how many times I re-publish... and then it suddenly works again... oh well...

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