Well, after chatting w some of my frens over the past few days, I kinda realised that quite a number of them read my blog w/o commenting or tagging... Pls do help me w my changing of the layout, k? Really need help here.... Actually, I would really love to add a photoblog section but having a little trouble finding a gd place to host it.... And I really need to figure out how I wanna do the code for mapping, so that the sidebar can be shortened..... Aargh!!! Feedback pple, feedback!!!
Well, for the time being, I wld be putting up *some* of my photos here in here, along w the main entries, so until I get a functional place to host a photo album...
This one is the group shot that we took when the UNSW pple were brought on a mini-day tour of Singapore abt a week after they arrived. The photo's kinda big, and won't fit nicely in my blog dimensions, so u kinda need to click on it to see the full size ^^
Interesting shot I managed to get while inside the Chinese temple we visited on the same day.... The nicely restored "old-ern" architecture of the temple in the foreground, the modern buildings setting the skyline in the background, and not to forget the ever-present coke vending machine!!! Really shows how far the Coca-cola has penetrated into our daily lives, even amidst the juxtaposition of old and new..... Well, yea, this is another thumbnail, so u gotta click on it for a proper view....

Well, after visiting Little India, a couple of the girls got some henna designs on their hands (and feet). Penny here is being a nice model ^^ We actually had to walk ard a bit to get them done a a reasonable price since the spot that we visited was, well, mainly catering for tourists....

Jenny and her newfound ninja friends gotten from Chinatown.... Cute, aren't they? Kinda cool how she was amusing herself (and me at least) during the bus ride ^^ No complains from my side!
Now, on to more recent photos... like the ones taken tonight!! ^^ There were 2 events on... The first being an informal photo taking session amg the SPSians w those who just graduated (it IS commencement week, ya know!), not many of them turned up but well...

Now, on to more recent photos... like the ones taken tonight!! ^^ There were 2 events on... The first being an informal photo taking session amg the SPSians w those who just graduated (it IS commencement week, ya know!), not many of them turned up but well...

Liling was in this nice Chinese-Malay hybrid attire, that just symbolises how she is a Chinese Malaysian. Pretty interesting attire, plus u dun usually get to see her in a skirt! *gasp* The photo is kinda crap tho'.... I disabled the flash in a bid to conserve battery power but.... Can't believe I am actually putting up a photo that shows me!!! Firstly, I usually like being BEHIND a camera and not in front of it, and secondly, when I put up a photo, I tend to go for group shots... Oh well...

The graduating bunch, all nicely lined-up together, w Qifeng just popping his head out and Huang Ming sticking his head out ^^ (Nope, I sure didn't photoshop them in!!)

Group shot of the seniors... Sure gonna miss having them ard!! *sobz*

Yea, the crazy bunch of us who actually stayed back to take photos together (well, minus some others who were helping w the phototaking... Thanks guys!) There's Miaoqing having some fun w Shruti's cap (",)

Nicely posing ^^ Really getting into the mood, aren't we? Pity I didn't manage to get a full length shot of Hugesh.... he was gg ard barefooted in like berms (under the gown), and when he first put on the gown we all kinda went "Jedi master!!" He really did look like one! Honestly!!
Anyway, the other event was a cultural presentation by those taking Bahasa Indonesia, and it was pretty nifty seeing them all dressed up in the various Indonesian costumes! Some presentations on the culture, food etc., a song-dance item, and a mini-angklung perfomance... Plus nice, spicy Indonesian food for dinner ^^
The angklung players... Well, not the best of photos since there were extra heads but I wanted to post this since Adi happened to be in it (he's the cameraman), and he just got his hair cut at Clementi this afternoon ^^ Hope u dun mind, dude! And yea, if u want a better view, u can click on it....
And here's the Indonesian class w some of the VIPs from NUS and UNSW just to wrap up this entry ^^ Yet another nicely bordered, clickable thumbnail.... And yea, remember to comment/tag or sth to help me w my blog!

Anyway, the other event was a cultural presentation by those taking Bahasa Indonesia, and it was pretty nifty seeing them all dressed up in the various Indonesian costumes! Some presentations on the culture, food etc., a song-dance item, and a mini-angklung perfomance... Plus nice, spicy Indonesian food for dinner ^^
The angklung players... Well, not the best of photos since there were extra heads but I wanted to post this since Adi happened to be in it (he's the cameraman), and he just got his hair cut at Clementi this afternoon ^^ Hope u dun mind, dude! And yea, if u want a better view, u can click on it....
And here's the Indonesian class w some of the VIPs from NUS and UNSW just to wrap up this entry ^^ Yet another nicely bordered, clickable thumbnail.... And yea, remember to comment/tag or sth to help me w my blog!
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