Monday, 2 April 2007


OK, despite the previous post, took the rest of Sat off from work and did a bit of catching up on dramas ^^ Found this interesting Jdrama, YASHA, starring Itou Hideaki (male lead in the Umizaru series) and Abe Hiroshi (male lead in the TRICK series). It aired in 2000 and has a rather interesting suspense-thriller styled storyline involving genetic modification/cloning, viral outbreaks. Despite having mild homosexual undertones (that CAN be interpreted as "best buddies", really worth watching. What's it with Japanese dramas that they are able to pack a a punch in like 11 episodes? Comparatively, the recent SG dramas seem to keep getting longer and longer.... Just dragging on the plot...

Okies... used up my break time... back to drafting drafting drafting...

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