Monday, 7 January 2008

[Updated] Cake seastar madness on FB ^^

Seems like we still can't get over our starry Christmas spade of intertidals. First came Jun's, then July's, then KS's..... What am I talking about? The mini-invasion of cake seastars on our facebook profile pics ^^ And to top it all off, I think we were ALL posing with the same individual!! Definitely a diva star! And here's the cake seastar's version of the walk of fame ^^ Oh... Why are there FOUR photos when I mentioned only THREE people? 'Coz I still owe peizee her photo..... Hehz. Sorry girl~~

cakestar_jun cakestar_july cakestar_KS cakestar_peizee

KS, our resident CJ "daddy" has pointed out yet another photo for our star album! This time of Shuyi (photo courtesy of her)

1 comment:

DreamerJuly said...

Star of the year 2007> cake sea star