Sunday, 1 January 2006

Ushering in 2006...

First day of the new year!!! Also marks the first time I am back in AMC after nearly 6 months of absence.... Came back just in time to welcome in our new pastors, Pastor Ming Shun and Pastor Bernard... Pastor Paul would be serving in the youth section of TRAC and Pastor Swee Fang would be at Barker Road Methodist.... Anyhow, it's great to be back with everyone again ^^ Amazing how everybody's hair seem so much longer, the sec sch girls seem so much more mature (and more lady-like) etc... Amidst all the "Where have you been?"s and the catching up, it's just good to be back worshipping and fellowshipping with everyone again Plus, it helped that there were a few comments of "You've seem to have lost a little weight"...

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